| 1. | The water on the opposite side is farthest from the moon . 地球背向月球的那一面的水则离月球最远。 |
| 2. | On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of no great pretensions . 对街有一家不怎么堂煌的饭馆。 |
| 3. | A torus can be obtained from a rectangle by identifying opposite sides . 环面可由矩形把其两对对边分别重叠起来而得到。 |
| 4. | As the plates move apart, they encounter other plates at their opposite sides . 当各块板块彼此分离时,他们又在对边与其它板块发生碰撞。 |
| 5. | The full moon is along the earth-sun line but on the opposite side of the earth . 满月时,月球在地球与太阳的连线上,但它是在地球的背面。 |
| 6. | Many people from opposite sides of great gulfs have been very curiously brought together ! 许多本来是天各一方的人,莫明其妙地碰在一块儿了。 |
| 7. | The resultant force on the loop is evidently zero, since the forces on opposite sides are equal and opposite . 这一回线所受的合力显然为零,因为作用在相对两边上的力是等值而反向的。 |
| 8. | It took him a frustrating twenty minutes to reach the zaco building, which was on the opposite side of the city's business district . 他灰心丧气地花了二十分钟才赶到商业中心区另一边的萨可大楼。 |
| 9. | When carlson was in accord with his advisors, he might play devil's advocate to see if he could support the opposite side with logic . 当卡尔森与他的顾问观点一致时,他可能故意为错误观点辩解,以便弄清他是否能通过推理来支持对立面。 |
| 10. | Can i enter from the opposite side of the campus 我可以从校园的后边那里进来吗? |